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QTP Automation Testing Services for HR Solutions
- To overcome time consuming & tiresome manual process
- Tested with no human monitoring mechanism before delivery
- In-depth test reports for analysis

Client is an IT company, who develops enterprise grade web-based time & attendance software for HR Department to process employee timings that are recorded using industry standard bio-metric device, face recognition device or smart cards invariably across the organization that includes remote locations over the intranet or Internet.
The client’s need is to create QTP automation testing scripts that are deployed to perform regression & functional testing, based on the product enhancement and changing client customization scope. When an employee inputs [punching] device or face recognition devices gets fault, then the client need to enter manual time entries, extra hours worked entry segregation or mapping the extra hours under compensation off or overtime entries for each & every employee. To address this time consuming task client was in need of creating a new module where manual time entry import for employees must be done in one bulk process. Also every time when the software is upgraded with additional features, the existing integrated functionality and the new functionality must collaborate & work mutually without any complaints.
What We Did
Software quality testing team at ANGLER studied the client’s requirement & automated all the current functionality of the tool with QTP Testing which is a perfect choice for automated testing. Our team also re-implemented few of existing testing scripts of overtime and compensation off modules and brought the new script to ensure the quality of this new module. Our testing team has prepared the automation script that will take care of creating the manual time entry, In & Out time details data for multiple dates with bulk employee ids and also it will be responsible to check the prepared data with the new module & resulting to the tester through automation. Also for each & every time when the application is customized, our automation testing team deploys a regression test on overall functionality and delivers a zero compliance quality product to our customers.
Technologies Used.
- Overcome the time-consuming and tedious process of manual regression testing
- Product is tested with no human monitoring before any release to client
- Detailed Test Report for Analysis
- Ease of use - even a non-tester shall perform the test execution
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