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E-Learning Application Development & Online Examination System
E-Learning Application Development & Online Examination System for an E-Business Certification Institute
- Survey building tool with Bulk Email
- Offer online examinations for members & member companies
- Course planning option for member& member companies

The client is offering a solution for companies to have the capability of managing the learning of employees as well as administering proctored assessments on-site at various locations.
The client wanted a system which allows for the provision of online examinations including the creation/management of examinations and questions that will be linked to the roadmap and course structure already included as a part of the Online Training Management System. The system will also incorporate Examination Console software that will facilitate a candidate to take up an online examination.
What We Did
ANGLER provided the following features in the Online Examination & Training Management Systems
- Course Payment Handling and Shopping Cart System by using the PayPal integration.
- Examination console is to allow an examination candidate undertake an examination, be it a practice examination or a fully proctored certification exam. This is to ensure the examination candidate does not have access to an Internet Browser or other programs on the computer which might assist them with the exam and to disable the Alt+Tab shortcut key.
- Survey Software Component - This is a third party free tool used to send bulk e-mail invitations and reminders to take up the surveys.
Technologies Used.
- Course payment handling and shopping cart system using PayPal
- Online examinations provided to their members & member companies.
- Survey building tool used for Bulk Email invitations.
- Members & Member companies are suggested on their own courses.
- Online certifications provided to their Members & Member companies.
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