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Vendor Portal Management
Vendor Portal Management for one of the leading business conglomerates in India to show the real-time, automated, global view of supply chain.
Key Achievements
- Improved materials management
- Extended collaboration
- Dynamic view of company’s latest updates
- Global accessibility & visibility
- Online shipment

Client is one of the India's largest family promoted, professionally managed corporate with 34,000 employees. To add, the client is a pioneer and market leader in several fields with over 40 manufacturing locations across 12 states in India. The group has a strong presence in Abrasives, Engineering and Cycles, Bio-Products, Sanitary ware, Plantations, Sugar, Farm inputs, Finance, General insurance & Neutraceuticals.
The client wanted us to build an online vendor portal application that would facilitate their vendors to post advance/delayed shipment details online, handle quotations, manage their product details, terms & conditions, view order status, and log their queries, bill/delivery status, account status, order schedule, billboard messages, tickers, news & notifications. Role-based access privileges should be given for the users to ensure each user can only view the data applicable to their requirements.
What We Did
ANGLER developed a vendor portal application that would facilitate our client’s administrators to manage vendor database, set business unit wise module privileges to the vendors, view advance/delayed shipment notes shared by the vendors, quotation given by the vendors, queries posted by the vendors. This application permits authenticated vendors to login into their panel and post advance / delayed shipment notes, view order status, ticker & billboard messages, download various PDF documents.
Technologies Used.
- Online application that facilitate vendors to access necessary details at anytime and anywhere
- Client can receive quotations from various vendors
- Company wide News & Events details can be published in the site dynamically
- Client can manage their vendor database with vendor specific privileges in a centralized repository
- Vendor wise product details terms & conditions are sustained
- Vendors can post their advance / delayed shipment notes, quotations, queries, view status & various documents online which would be time saving
- Vendors can access various reports and know details about their transactions
Related Case Studies
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