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File Transfer Protocol
File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Application for secure operation
Key Achievements
- Sending files to multiple people
- Extremely large files
- Bulk files can be uploaded or downloaded within minutes
- Assignment of privileges & policies to users

Angler Product Internal
The client wanted to develop a secured FTP tool for File transfer operations from local to the remote server or vice versa. The product's FTP operations would be similar to FTP clients like Filezilla, CuteFTP. All the FTP operations like upload, download, delete, rename, chdir, mkdir, chmod would be done in a highly secured mode and every user operations would be tracked in the logs which are maintained in the database. The application has to keep track of the FTP profiles and the operations done by the user or group. Further privilege based File Transfer Protocol operations should be possible. Policies can be allotted for users or groups or for FTP profiles which when violated can be either intimated to administrator through mail or locks stored for the users or groups against FTP profiles.
In such a case, the user will be allowed to log into the application only when the administrator releases the lock on him. Reports can be generated based on the profiles, FTP operations like upload, download, delete, chmod and mkdir for users.
What We Did
To provide a well customized application with the following features
- All FTP operations like upload, download, delete, rename, chdir, mkdir, ch mod are carried out in a highly secured mode
- Privilege based operations to all users or groups and track the transactions in the database
- Management of users, server profiles and policies in the database
- Assignment of privileges & policies to users or groups or server profiles
- Log all the activities in the database
- If policies assigned are violated, either an alert will be intimated to the administrator or he would be blocked and the applications quits
- Generation of reports based on the users, groups, profiles, operations, exceptions etc
- Since maximum file upload size is restricted in php, option to upload & download bulk files using Java applications
- Options to upload & download files using flash
Technologies Used.
The product compared to other FTP clients offers the below benefits
- All other FTP clients store the users' operations in the logs. Here transactions in the remote are stored in the database
- Restrict the users or groups to perform FTP operations in allotted server profiles & allotted directory which is highly recommended as they cannot navigate to other directories
- Privilege based operations restrict them to only specific operations in the remote server
- Policies enable the administrator to watch the user activities against the framed rules. This restrict them from performing certain activities say uploading or downloading movie files
- Tracking the activities in the database enables the administrator to generate reports
- Bulk files can be uploaded or downloaded within minutes
Related Case Studies
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