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Finance Case Studies
Software testing for a leading loan management solution provider

Client has been helping lending institutions to reach their short & long term goals for the past 36 years by providing best loan management software, they are the global leader in providing financial software, it helped many of their customers in protecting data, making their offices more efficient, simplifying the financial analysis and in increasing the profitability, etc.,.
Website re-design and development solution for a leading research-driven financial services and products company

The client is a research-driven financial services and products company. They do research and analysis of the financial markets, generate proprietary theoretical models and develop original risk metrics. The client also looks into the process of developing electronic trading platform to provide powerful portfolio and risk management tools and automated trading systems.
Online Financial Management System

The client is a finance institute dealing with banking, gold loan and lending. They are in this business for the past 25 years. The company is approved by a Government body. The loan and lending formalities are straight forward and genuine.
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