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Sports Case Studies
Sports Event Website Designed with Razorpay Payment Gateway Integration

Client belongs to an industry led and industry managed organisation comprising of entrepreneurs, professionals and achievers from different walks of life. They work under the broad categories of education, environment, healthcare, employability, arts (sports & culture) and rural initiatives contributing positively to its surrounding eco system and the nation.
Test Automation Using Selenium Java

Client hails from sports media industry who engage in entertaining their customers with live streams, highlights and custom video platforms. They also generate revenue by advertisements using native tools and advanced analytics. Their motto is to engage fans from their devices anywhere & anytime.
Online Sports Platform Development

Client is a modern and future-oriented service company specialising in providing training software for clubs and coaches. They offer standard and customised software for coaches and clubs both in the professional as well as amateur area.
Content Management System
The client is a Public Limited Company with its main country operations in England. The principal activity of the client is the operation of a professional football league club.
Cricket Portal Development
Wicked Googly - a cricket portal developed by ANGLER for a US based client.
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