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Agriculture Case Studies
Redesigning Existing Client’s Customer Portal with Better UI/UX

A Multi-billion dollar Energy & Agriculture company that have extensive experience in designing cutting-edge solutions.
Dealer Management System for Fertilizer Manufacturer

The client is the second largest manufacturer of Phosphatic fertilizer in India and also a leading supplier of segments of fertilizers, specialty nutrients, crop protection etc. They market around 3.2 million tons per year, making it a pioneer in its addressable markets in India. The company was ranked among the top 20 best companies to work for by Business Today and was also voted as one of the ten greenest companies in India by TERI, reflecting its commitment to the environment and society.
Dealer Application Portal developed to a Corporate Fertilizer Company

Client is an Indian corporation founded in the early 1960s. , the company is in the business of fertilizers, and it has many no of manufacturing units located across India.
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