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Featured Case Studies
CMS website developed in Drupal 7, Open Source Development Technology

The client is a largest ICT research institute and the vision is to power a vibrant & strong infocomm ecosystem and research capabilities are in shared sensor networks, public-public/public-private data-sharing platform, big data analytics andvisualization solutions.
Joomla / WordPress / Drupal / DNN Case Studies
Custom CMS Website Development

The UAE based client provides internet solutions to various industries based on user needs and market trends. Client also outsource few IT services to other IT service providers to meet their end client’s requirements.
Parallax website development for a leading business group in Dubai

The client is a leading business group based in Dubai, Specializes in business setup solutions, company formation and management, offshore incorporations, international tax planning, accounting & reporting services, corporate finance, trademark registration, outsourcing solutions and recruitment services.
Drupal website development for one of the largest research institutes in Singapore

Client is one of the largest research institutes in Singapore. Their research capabilities are in shared sensor networks, public-public/public-private data-sharing platform, big data analytics and visualization solutions.
Website re-design and development solution for a leading research-driven financial services and products company

The client is a research-driven financial services and products company. They do research and analysis of the financial markets, generate proprietary theoretical models and develop original risk metrics. The client also looks into the process of developing electronic trading platform to provide powerful portfolio and risk management tools and automated trading systems.
Online Joomla Application Audit Plug-in

The client is the leading software development business, providing innovative technology products with strong ethics, big-picture vision and a perfect approach towards design, architecture and outcomes. They often develop new products or systems and act as technology partner where appropriate.
Joomla CMS Website Development

The client is a leading importer of the baking equipment inSouth India. For the past 60 years the client was into baking items production and sales. Recently they have ventured into baking equipment sales and service.
Community Web Portal Development

Client is a community developer keen in promoting talents of artists by forming a hub for independent artists. Its one of Australia’s fastest growing community. Here all the artist whether actor, musician or stage player no problem everyone can join and promote their talents. To say more, it hold talents across different fields such as Actor, Comedian, Dancer, Designer, Technicians, Fine artist, Game Developers, Model, Musician, Performer, Photographer and Writer.
Content Management System (CMS) Development

The US based client maintaining an organisation for abandoned animals. They are organising events to adopt animals and selling gift cards.
Real Estate Property Management

Client is a US based real estate property developer dealing with different type of properties such us residential, commercial and storage listings for rent.
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