
Ionic Framework is an open source mobile UI toolkit for developing high-quality cross-platform apps for native iOS, Android, and the web—all from a single codebase. Ionic framework is based on Apache Cordova and Angular, which enable us to build fully functional and advanced mobile apps with usage of web technologies.
An application created using Ionic Framework is a cross-platform app. It is built like a simple web app, but enables to generate a native app with access to all functionalities specific to the phone. The main Ionic advantages surround the simplicity that comes with developing an app once, rather than multiple times for separate devices. The nature of the framework also makes development fast and cost-efficient, while reducing the need for maintenance. The layout is done via web views, but the app has access to native device’s APIs. Combining the native part with a web part gives us a universally applicable solution. An app can be displayed natively and in the browser as a Progressive Web App. Writing once we can run an app on multiple platforms like iOS, Android, Windows, and also as a web app — it makes it convenient for both business owners and developers.
- Ionic provides a wide range of components and plugins
- Ionic framework is also excellent for quick application ideas prototyping
- Ionic apps run on different platforms e.g. Android, iOS, windows etc.
- Develop an app once, and deploy across iOS, Android, and Windows devices. Ionics’s Framework’s
- focus on HTML, CSS, and JS enables quick development, low costs, and minimal maintenance.
Develop an app once, and deploy across iOS, Android, and Windows devices. Ionics’s Framework’s focus on HTML, CSS, and JS enables quick development, low costs, and minimal maintenance.
Projects done in Ionic
This app was designed in IONIC framework (Android & IOS)
This project essentially targeting Non UAE citizens to learn new and develop existing skills. This app offers simple and effective method of registration and directing them to relevant content based on their skill level and ambitions. Initially workers have to undertake pre evaluation test and then relevant course details shall be recommended based on their skill level to improve their skills. Support group on this app are responsible for sponsoring gift vouchers for the workers who have successfully completed course and assessment.